Saturday, September 5, 2009

Nge-date Dengan Fisikawan?

Bagaimana rasanya ya nge-date dengan fisikawan? Mari simak artikel di bawah ini:
Disadur dari Los Angeles Times, 14 Februari 1934
Absent minded U.C. Pedagogue Leaves Girl in Parked Car to Take Walk and Police Hunt Later Finds Him Snug in Bed at Club
Police said today that this story of an absent-minded college professor actually happened: J. Robert Oppenheimer, 30 years of age, physics professor of University of California, took Miss Melba Phillips of Berkeley, a research assistant, for a ride in the Berkeley Hills Monday night. Prof. Oppenheimer the parked the automobile, made Miss Phillips comfortable by wrapping a blanket about her, and said he was going for a walk.
Time passed but Miss Phillips waited and waited. Two hours later Policeman Albert Nevin passed by.
“My escort went for a walk hours ago and he hasn’t returned,” Miss Phillips told the officer tearfully.
The policeman turned in an alarm and officers in automobiles searched the vicinity but could find no trace of the absent professor. So Miss Phillips on a hunch, went to the Faculty Club, where Prof. Oppenheimer lives.
And there they found him-fast asleep in bed.
“Miss Phillips?” he exclaimed to the officers. “Oh, my word! I forgot all about here. I just walked and walked, and I was home and I went to bed. I’m so sorry.”
Catatan tambahan:
Melba Phillips juga fisikawan loh, hm... jadi kalo fisikawan ketemu fisikawan gini toh jadinya

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